GentleMax Broken Capillaries

GentleMax Broken Capillaries

GentleMax for Broken Capillaries GentleMax is great for Broken Capillaries. Have you ever noticed those tiny blood vessels that are mainly around the corners of the nose, cheeks, and chin….? These are called Telangiectasia. What are Telangiectasia? This is a condition...
Habits of healthy skin..Take it back to basics!

Habits of healthy skin..Take it back to basics!

Want to learn habits of healthy skin? Habits of healthy skin rely on basics: Cleanser: WASH YOUR FACE!! Morning AND Night.  Choose a cleanser that is gentle, PH neutral, a non fragrance non soap cleanser!  I recommend PCA Creamy Cleanser.  Keep it simple! Exfoliate:...
Have you thought about your hands lately?

Have you thought about your hands lately?

Your hands Your hands are an important part of you. It seems that we often don’t notice how our hands age us until that fateful day we see them as they really are. It might be easy to ignore those brown spots, wrinkles or large veins until you see them in a...


In our fast-paced lives, we do our best to eat healthy and take care of our bodies but sometimes we don’t consider the products we pat, rub and force into our skin. Deciding what product to choose can be confusing but making the choice between medical grade skincare...
Treatments available in the heat of summer

Treatments available in the heat of summer

I’m here to lay to rest some myths that many skin issues and treatments are off limits during the hot summer months.  Forget most of what your mama told you and reinvent your summer skincare regimen!   You don’t use melanocyte suppressors in the summer. False....
3 Essential products to have in your Daily skincare routine

3 Essential products to have in your Daily skincare routine

Want to know the 3 Essential products you need in your daily skincare routine?   There truly are 3 Essential products: Broad Spectrum SPF- It is very important to go with a Broad- Spectrum because it is protecting you from UVA/UVB rays. UVA is the (aging) rays...