Sclerotherapy Charlotte

Spider Vein Treatment Charlotte, NC with Sclerotherapy


What is Sclerotherapy?

Sclerotherapy Charlotte is a minimally invasive skin treatment to diminish or erase the appearance of spider veins. It is done with a series of injections into the veins that collapses them making them vanish or be much less visible. At Carolina Age Management Institute, Dr. Giordano injects Asclera™ into spider veins as well as reticular veins.

Spider Vein Treatment Charlotte Benefits

As a treatment to diminish or erase spider and reticular veins, it offers the following benefits:

  • Quick treatment
  • Safe and effective treatment
  • Immediate and permanent results
  • No lasting pain or discomfort
sclerotherapy charlotte nc

How Does Sclerotherapy Charlotte Work?

The treatment area is cleaned and possibly numbed with a topical anesthetic. After that, Asclera™ is injected into the veins causing them to scar and collapse. Once this happens, the blood is rerouted through other veins not as close to the skin. The treatment typically takes about 30 minutes to complete.


Preparation involves avoiding blood thinning medications and supplements, such as aspirin, ibuprofen and Vitamin E, for about one week prior to the treatment.  If you are taking any of these, Dr. Giordano will discuss the appropriate plan of action for you.

Actual Patient: Leg Vein Treatment with Laser – Watch the veins disappear instantaneously!

spider vein treatment charlotte


Following therapy, patients may return to their normal activities including exercise to promote blood flow and speedy recovery. Patients may be asked to wear compression socks for two to three days following treatment to ensure treatment is efficacious and maximized.

The results are visible following the treatment with the disappearance of the veins in the few weeks following the treatment. It may take several treatments to greatly reduce the appearance or erase spider and reticular veins with these results being permanent.  Mild bruising at the site of injection may occur.

What are the costs

Cost varies with each patient. The cost is based on the extent of the spider veins being treated, how many injections are necessary and how many treatments it takes to achieve the desired look. During a consultation with Dr. Giordano, we can go over the costs including our payment options and financing offered through CareCredit®.

Is It Right for Me?

If you have noticeable spider or reticular veins and avoid clothing that does not cover them, you may want to consider it. This minimally invasive treatment uses Asclera™ to cut off the blood flow and collapse the veins.

Schedule a Consultation for Sclerotherapy Charlotte

To determine if this procedure is right for you, we ask you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Giordano so that he can evaluate your veins. Once he examines them, he can make his recommendations. Additionally, you may ask any questions you have about the procedure.

At Carolina Age Management Institute, Dr. Stephen Giordano treats spider and reticular veins with sclerotherapy to reveal more shapely and attractive legs. Please contact us to set up your consultation today.

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