Photo Gallery

Photo Gallery of our CAMI Before and After Pictures 




Dermal Fillers and Injectables




Hair Transplant with NeoGraft®

Our photo gallery contains photos of patients before and after results from Body Sculpting, Dermal Fillers, Injectables, Hair Transplant with Neograft, Chemical Peels and more.

Medical director Dr. Stephen Giordano, “Dr. G” and his staff at Carolina Age Management Institute welcome patients from Charlotte and Huntersville, NC, and the surrounding areas, who want to enhance their appearance through cosmetic treatments to rejuvenate their skin and create a more youthful appearance.

Please take some time to review our Before and After photo gallery to see the outcomes of treatments and procedures performed at CAMI. Each of our patients in the pictures has given us permission to use these pictures. Please keep in mind that they are here to give you an idea of the results of treatments. Actual results may vary. Contact us if you would like to schedule a treatment or if you have any questions.