Everything You Need to Know About Fat Injections for Face and Body


Most of us know what it’s like to have unwanted fat deposits somewhere on our bodies. Through a process known as fat transfer, also called fat injections, some of that unwanted tissue can actually be moved from one part of your body to another. Fat injections can be applied to the face or the body, helping you achieve some of your most closely held aesthetic goals.

But how do fat injections work, exactly? And are you a good candidate for this procedure? Here’s a quick guide to the fat transfer process.

What is Fat Transfer?

Also known as microlipo, fat transfer involves the extraction of fat from one part of the body followed by its transferal to another part. At CAMI, we offer both fat injections for the face and fat injections for body sculpting. With that said, the two most popular areas for fat injections are the face and the buttocks.

The process itself is pretty straightforward. Fat is harvested from an area where it has accumulated, and where it is unwanted; this is usually the abdominal area or the back. This is done through a process very similar to liposuction, wherein the unwanted fat cells are essentially vacuumed out. These fat cells are then carefully cleaned and processed, and any whole, undamaged fat cells are carefully injected into the treatment area.

For most patients, the fat transfer process takes between one and three hours. Sedation is used to ensure that the treatment is virtually painless.

What are the Benefits of Fat Injections?

One reason why patients love the fat transfer process is that it allows them to accomplish two of their aesthetic goals at one time.

By removing unwanted fat cells, the fat transfer process can be used for body contouring, helping you to eliminate those stubborn fat deposits that diet and exercise can’t seem to touch.

Fat injections to the face can be used to restore volume to areas that have been impacted by age. For example, you can use the fat harvested from elsewhere on your body to restore shape and form to your cheeks, or to “fill in” areas that have become wrinkled.

Meanwhile, fat injections can also be used for body sculpting. The fat that we harvest from one part of your body can be applied to areas where you would like a little extra volume or definition. For example, you can take unwanted belly flab and use it to enhance your breasts, your hips, or your buttocks.

Some additional benefits to fat injections include:

Are Fat Injections Right for You?

While fat injections can be tremendously advantageous, that doesn’t mean they are right for everyone. Specifically, fat injections are not recommended for patients who are experiencing issues with significant skin laxity, including jowling or loose, sagging skin. For these patients, we might recommend alternative procedures to tighten the skin, such as BodyTite or SmartLipo.

The best way to determine your eligibility for fat injections is to schedule a consultation here at CAMI.

Learn More About Fat Injections in Charlotte, NC

We’d love to tell you more about the benefits of fat injections for the face, or fat injections for body contouring. To take the next step, just reach out to us today. We’d love to schedule you for a fat transfer consultation here at Carolina Age Management Institute.

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