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The Spin on Summer Skin Care

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Summer Skin Care

Its time for Summer skin care. Summer is a time of joy and celebration, especially living in a culture that celebrates “lake life” like we do here at Lake Norman. Carolina Age Management and Dr. Giordano would like to remind you of some helpful habits that can keep your skin healthy and glowing even during the summer months when you are exposed to high levels of UV skin damage.Summer Skin Care


Tip 1 – Wear Sunscreen

Not only is the 1998 hit song, “Wear Sunscreen” by Baz Luhrmann a fan favorite, it is also excellent advice. Not all sunscreen is equal, and we recommend that you use a sunscreen that has not only a chemical barrier, but also a physical barrier such as zinc oxide or titanium oxide. Our favorite brand is EltaMD® because it offers high quality “tinted” and “non-tinted” versions, a “sport” version that is long lasting during high-intensity activities, and even a “pure” version that can be used on children safely. If by chance you do sustain some over-exposure to the sun’s powerful rays, apply a soothing product such as Alastin™ Regenerating Skin Nectar or Alastin™ Soothe & Recovery Balm to return the skin to its natural state as quickly as possible.

Tip 2 – Exfoliate

The second step to healthy skin is frequent and effective exfoliation. Many people think that exfoliation is only something you can do to your face, but in actuality, it can be done to the entire body. This helps with skin turn over and to remove debris from the skin surface, keeping the skin glowing and healthy. Hydrafacial MD® microdermabrasion is excellent to not only exfoliate on a medical grade level, but also to infuse dermal builders and antioxidants into the skin simultaneously. Our go-to device, Hydrafacial MD®, is an industry leader for this procedure, and does not disappoint. At an affordable price, we recommend doing this at least once every 2 to 3 months for the best results, and it is one of the most popular procedures in aesthetics. Sensi Peels® by PCA is a weekend peel from Friday to Monday that can help exfoliate the skin without prolonged downtime. We even promote exfoliation of the back, which we called the “Back Peel” to control “Bacne”.

Tip 3 – Hydrate

Hydration is also a critical key in maintaining healthy skin during summer months when heat in the Carolinas can be a substantial issue. Drinking at least 8-ounce glasses of water throughout the day is always recommended, and topical hydration serums will also protect the skin and lend a healthy appearance. Skinmedica®’s HA5 and PCA Skin®’s HydraLuxe offer excellent hydration solutions.

Tip 4 – Consider BBL™

All this being said, even the most stringent precautions will still yield some sun damage.  Consider seeing a qualified provider for a BroadBand Light (BBL™) treatment to physically remove the sun damage from the surface of your skin. This technique is quick, easy, and without downtime. When paired with a very light laser peel, you can return your skin to its pre-summer glory, and keep it glowing until the next summer season is upon us!

At Carolina Age Management, we hope everyone has a wonderful and safe summer!

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