Archive for Plastic Surgery

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Five Facts About Breast Surgery Recovery in Charlotte, NC

Breast augmentation and breast lift are two of the most popular procedures available. However, even the most popular procedures inspire questions. So if you have been considering breast surgery and are curious about the recovery process, here are five fast facts you should know:   How Long Will My Breasts Be Swollen? As with any surgical procedure, recovery will vary depending on the individual. However, in general you can expect the worst swelling to take place three to four days after your procedure. Many of our patients notice their swelling begins to decrease anywhere from 2-4 weeks post-op. However, it can take approximately […]

Pros and Cons of Non-Invasive Body Sculpting vs. Invasive Body Sculpting in Charlotte, NC

There are many options available for body sculpting treatments, which can make it difficult to determine what treatment is best for you. Body sculpting treatments can be either non-invasive (non-surgical) or invasive (surgical). In order to understand these treatments and determine what one is best for you, it’s important to consider the pros and cons as you may be better suited for one treatment over another due to your unique cosmetic goals. Non-Invasive Body Sculpting Non-invasive and minimally invasive body sculpting procedures, like SmartLipo™, are popular treatments because they eliminate the surgery and downtime that comes with more invasive procedures. Still, patients […]

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