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April is Rosacea Awareness month

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This is Rosacea Awareness month

Rosacea (pronounced roh-ZAY-sha)

A disorder of the facial skin that is estimated to affect well over 16 million Americans.  Rosacea is a common skin disease. It often begins with a tendency to blush or flush more easily than other people.



Rosacea can cause more than redness. There are so many signs and symptoms that rosacea has four subtypes:

Erythematotelangiectatic rosacea: Redness, flushing, visible blood vessels.

Papulopustular rosacea: Redness, swelling, and acne-like breakouts.

Phymatous rosacea: Skin thickens and has a bumpy texture.

Ocular rosacea: Eyes red and irritated, eyelids can be swollen, and person may have what looks like a sty.  

While the cause of rosacea is unknown and there is no cure, today medical help is available that can control the signs and symptoms of this potentially life-disruptive disorder. Any one of the following warning signs is a signal to see a dermatologist or other knowledgeable physician for diagnosis and appropriate treatment before the signs and symptoms become increasingly severe :



With time, people who have rosacea often see permanent redness in the center of their face.

How to prevent rosacea flare-ups:Rosacea Awareness month- at Cami in Huntersville NC

Think sun protection

Just a few minutes of sunlight on rosacea-prone skin can lead to uncontrollable flushing and redness. Dermatologists recommend that everyone who has rosacea:

Apply a gentle, broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher every day. A fragrance-free sunscreen that contains zinc oxide, titanium dioxide, or both is least likely to irritate sensitive skin.                     

Reduce stress

If stress causes your rosacea to flare, you can learn to manage it so that it doesn’t trigger a rosacea flare-up. Here are a few ideas:



Avoid overheating

To avoid a flare-up from heat, dermatologist recommend planning ahead so that you can prevent overheating.

Here are a few things you can do:




Rethink hot beverages

Studies show that the heat from hot beverages causes some people’s rosacea to flare.

If that sounds like you, making a few changes can help you enjoy beverages that most people drink hot.

Try these ideas:                                                                                                                                       

* Drink iced coffee or tea                                                                                                                       

*Let the beverage cool so that it’s warm or lukewarm.

Lasers and other light-based treatments: For people who have a constantly red face or visible blood vessels, a laser or other light-based treatment can be effective. Some patients see complete clearing of their redness. This clearing can last for years.

Most people need a series of treatments to see results. Insurance rarely covers the cost, so treatment can be expensive.

In skilled hands, side effects tend to be limited to temporary redness and swelling.

To find out if this type of treatment could benefit and clear your redness, Come in to Carolina Age Management Institute for a consult on Sciton BBL laser and products like Skinmedica and EltaMD zinc based sun protection.  

CAMI Rosacea Awareness month special: 3 treatments two weeks apart for $350.00

Vanessa Nozet


Contact CAMI for help with your Rosacea. We hope you have found this article on Rosacea Awareness helpful.

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