Smartlipo™ vs. Liposuction in Charlotte NC

Jun 1, 2019 | Liposuction, Smart Lipo, SmartLipo

Liposuction in Charlotte

Wondering about Liposuction in Charlotte and if it’s your best option for fat reduction? Liposuction is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures around the world. This popularity is not surprising to anyone who has ever worked hard to lose weight with diet and exercise but found pockets of stubborn fat left behind that just wouldn’t budge. Fat bulges in the abdomen, underarms, or hips can be particularly resistant to traditional weight loss methods.

Fortunately, liposuction can help to remove these fat deposits for a more streamlined appearance. When it comes to body contouring, patients in the Charlotte, NC, area have options. At our office, we offer both traditional liposuction and Smartlipo™.Smartlipo™ vs. Liposuction in Charlotte, NC - what are my options?

What’s the Difference?

With traditional liposuction in Charlotte, it is the treatment area is often injected with a serum that includes a numbing agent and a formula meant to help dissolve fat tissue. Then, a small cannula, or tube, is inserted into the incision to suck out the fat cells.

With Smartlipo™, a laser is used instead of a solution. The laser targets the fat and effectively melts it, making extraction much easier. This laser technology also works to tighten the tissue around the treated area, minimizing the need for another procedure to remove excess skin.

Pros and Cons of Liposuction in Charlotte

Due to its advanced technology, there are many reasons why more patients are choosing Smartlipo™ for Liposuction in Charlotte,  over traditional liposuction.

  • Anesthesia: Smartlipo™ is often done using only local anesthesia. When compared with the general anesthesia used during traditional liposuction, this makes for less risk of complications and shorter recovery time.
    Incision size: Smartlipo™ requires a smaller cannula and thus a smaller incision, reducing the appearance of scarring.
  • Recovery time: The downtime after Smartlipo™ is much less than with traditional liposuction. Patients are able to return to their normal lives within just a couple of days and are required to wear compression garments for about a week.
  • Skin tightening and contouring: Traditional liposuction is unable to address the issue of excess skin left behind once the fat is removed. The Smartlipo™ lasers, however, are also able to target the surrounding tissue, simultaneously tightening and firming the skin for a smoother appearance.

Trying to decide if Liposuction in Charlotte is right for you? Then contact us for more information or to schedule a consultation. Carolina Age Management Institute serves Huntersville and the greater Charlotte area.